GROUP 45 - Music Video 2008/9: Doing Extra

Sunday, 2 November 2008

Doing Extra

On the Monday before half term Loren and Gaby stayed in school till late to get some extra work on the music video done. It was helpful because it meant we had more done by next lesson.

Also, now that our music video is taking more shape, we have thought of an extra small idea that would help continue the theme of art become real life by remind the audiance that the comic is being drawn throughout the story. We're doing this by collecting still shots and editing them on photo shop to look drawn, and then merging them with the real life footage on Final cut. so it looks like it will be transforming from sketch to real-life.

Here are some examples of the edited still frames , i have done on photoshop, ( however my photoshop is simply photoshop element, and doesnt have as good effects as the ones on the macs at school so i think I will try out more effects on the macs at school ):



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